Riverwalk OBGYN

Can You Get Pregnant With Endometriosis?

04.16.24 in Obstetrics

Can You Get Pregnant With Endometriosis?

Can You Get Pregnant With Endometriosis?

If you’re wondering if you can get pregnant with endometriosis, the answer is yes. However, having this condition makes it more difficult to conceive, as well as give birth. Continue reading to learn more about whether you can get pregnant with endometriosis and how this condition affects pregnancy.

How Endometriosis Affects Pregnancy

Endometriosis is a condition where the tissue lining of the uterus is located outside the uterus. It can be on or around other reproductive organs like the pelvis, ovaries, and Fallopian tubes, creating adhesions and scar tissue. Because this causes the tissue to stick together, it makes it more difficult to get pregnant.

These growths lead to scarring and inflammation. And the inflammation makes it harder for the egg and sperm to join up, and for the embryo to implant in the uterus. Still, you can get pregnant with endometriosis, but here are other reasons this condition makes it difficult to conceive.

  • Decreased egg quality
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Fallopian cysts could be blocking the release of eggs from their follicle and the passage of eggs into the Fallopian tubes

Getting Pregnant With Endometriosis

You should not let a diagnosis prevent you from pursuing a family. In fact, many women with endometriosis have no problems conceiving and have perfectly normal births. There are common options to investigate if you are struggling with infertility due to endometriosis.

Did you know that a woman with endometriosis can use in vitro fertilization? However, her ovaries must still be producing eggs. Egg and sperm are removed from the inflammation environment and are joined in a petri dish.

Other treatments include surgical or non-surgical medications. Medical management includes progesterone, hormone suppression, contraceptive pills, and other types of medications. Surgery entails removing the lesions.

You can start by discussing the pros and cons of your options with one of our doctors at Riverwalk OB-GYN. He or she can also recommend resources for you to review and help with your decision.

Request an Appointment at Riverwalk OBGYN in San Antonio

Book online or call (210) 402-6022 to get help with your endometriosis symptoms and fertility.

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