Riverwalk OBGYN

What To Expect During Your First Prenatal Visit

10.13.23 in Obstetrics

What To Expect During Your First Prenatal Visit

What To Expect During Your First Prenatal Visit

Yes, you are having a baby and what a dream come true! After the excitement subsides, it’s time to start planning your first prenatal visit. Here’s what you can expect.

When To Schedule Your Appointment

As soon as it’s confirmed that you are pregnant, call Riverwalk OBGYN, and tell us you want to schedule your first prenatal appointment. Generally, this appointment is held between the 6th and 8th week. However, you can schedule an early appointment, particularly if you have concerns.

Regardless when the appointment is scheduled, you are pregnant, so start planning for pregnancy by changing your lifestyle. That means, no more white wine and happy hours. Instead, plan healthy meals and purchase some prenatal vitamins.

What To Expect During Your First Prenatal Visit

Your first prenatal appointment will be an extended event. For this reason, scheduling during lunch hour is probably not a good idea. To help you remember questions you may want to ask, take a relative or friend with you. They can also be your second set of eyes and ears. After all, it’s difficult to remember it all on your own, even when you’re writing it down.

Here’s what you should plan to bring:

  • List every medication you take both prescription and OTC. This includes supplements and vitamins.
  • Are there any concerning health issues in your family or the father’s family history?
  • Your detailed medical history. This includes any chronic diseases, prior surgeries, vaccines you’ve had, allergies you are aware of.
  • Detail any mental health issues like depression or medications you currently take.
  • List GYN history like previous pregnancies, complications, or any information about problematic deliveries.

Most likely, your OBGYN will do many tests. There will be a pelvic exam, blood tests, urine test, blood pressure, and thorough physical examination. As a baseline, varicose veins may also be checked. The reason for all these tests is that your obstetrician wants to eliminate any possible complications that may arise during your pregnancy.

You can also expect to get a confirmation of your pregnancy, including an approximate due date. But keep in mind that this will be firmed up later.

The Ultrasound

While there is not too much to see at this stage, your doctor may perform an ultrasound during your first prenatal visit. The idea is to confirm if there are multiples, fetal heartbeat, and the baby’s position.

In the second trimester between 18 and 22 weeks, you should get at least one ultrasound. The growth and the position of the placenta is looked at later.

Tasks For You

Write down your list of questions for your OBGYN and bring them to your first prenatal visit. Some of the things you’ll want to ask about is how much exercise, what symptoms you should expect, and types of vitamins to take. Having a list of questions avoids anxiety, and which symptoms should prompt a call to the doctor.

Contact your doctor if you have bleeding or pelvic pain any time during your pregnancy.

Another one of your tasks is to not miss any of your appointments. Your focus should also be on keeping yourself and your baby healthy. So, don’t skip any of your prenatal visits.

Request an Appointment at Riverwalk OBGYN in San Antonio

Contact Riverwalk OBGYN at (210) 402-6022 to schedule your first prenatal appointment.


New Address: 11103 West Avenue, Building 2, San Antonio, TX 78213

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