Riverwalk OBGYN


Urinary Incontinence Specialist San Antonio | Riverwalk OBGYN

Urinary Incontinence Specialist San Antonio

To determine the type and severity of your urinary incontinence, our Riverwalk Women’s Health specialist in San Antonio will complete a full evaluation. We will also be able to decide what type of treatment my be beneficial for you.

Evaluation often includes:

  • Urinalysis
  • Patient keeps diary of urinary habits
  • Post-void residual measurement

Urinary Incontinence Specialist San Antonio

To determine the type and severity of your urinary incontinence, our Riverwalk Women’s Health specialist in San Antonio will complete a full evaluation. We will also be able to decide what type of treatment my be beneficial for you.

Evaluation often includes:

  • Urinalysis
  • Patient keeps diary of urinary habits
  • Post-void residual measurement

How Our Urinary Incontinence Specialist Evaluates Your Condition

Our evaluation also includes interventional therapies, medications, pelvic floor muscle exercises, and behavior techniques. These therapies are generally considered before surgery is recommended. However, if those treatment methods are not successful, surgery may be the most logical solution.

In general, incontinence falls into several categories.

Overflow incontinence. One can have overflow incontinence where the bladder fills, and doesn’t empty. It reaches its capacity and then the patient leaks urine more or less on a continuous basis.

Stress incontinence. This type is usually associated with leaking urine with activity such as lifting, coughing, or running.

Urge incontinence. Caused by a bladder contraction that occurs when the patient is not trying to empty their bladder. Generally, patients will complain that they feel the need to empty their bladder but begin leaking before they can reach a bathroom.

Taking a history and performing a physical examination are used to diagnose patients with urinary incontinence. Usually a urinalysis is performed and, depending on the findings of the history and physical, further testing with either x-ray studies or a urodynamics study may be appropriate.

Get a full evaluation prior to any treatment because the treatments are different due to the cause of the incontinence.

Probably the most common medications used for the treatment of incontinence fall into the general category of anticholinergics or drugs designed to “relax” the bladder

Incontinence should not be considered to be a normal condition of aging. We evaluate elderly patients in essentially the same way that patients of any age should be evaluated. Although incontinence is certainly more common as we age, it can also be seen in children, adolescents, and adults.

Urinary Incontinence Specialist Near Me San Antonio | Riverwalk OBGYN

San Antonio Urinary Incontinence Specialist

While there are surgical procedures such as minimal evasive Laparoscopic, we only recommend surgery and procedures as the last resort. At Riverwalk Women’s Health, our expert urinary incontinence specialist can help with bladder issues right here in our San Antonio office.

It’s not always easy to know when you should see a specialist. But scheduling an appointment can save you a lot of pain and discomfort, and it could even save your life. If you have an overactive bladder, medications, lifestyle medications or surgical treatments can get your symptoms under control.

San Antonio Urinary Incontinence Specialist

While there are surgical procedures such as minimal evasive Laparoscopic, we only recommend surgery and procedures as the last resort. At Riverwalk Women’s Health, we can help with bladder issues right here in our San Antonio office.

It’s not always easy to know when you should see a specialist. But scheduling an appointment can save you a lot of pain and discomfort, and it could even save your life. If you have an overactive bladder, medications, lifestyle medications or surgical treatments can get your symptoms under control.

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